Translation for "be negotiation" to finnish
Translation examples
Specific information can be negotiated.
Tiedot voidaan neuvotella.
Special demands can be negotiated.
Erityisiä vaatimuksia voidaan neuvotella.
More things can be negotiated.
Lisää asioita voidaan neuvotella.
The price may be negotiable in person.
Hinta voidaan neuvotella henkilökohtaisesti.
For longer stay prices can be negotiated.
Pidempäänkin hinnat voidaan neuvotella.
Special demands can be negotiated. Application
Erityisiä vaatimuksia voidaan neuvotella. hakemus
A small compensation for your time can be negotiated.
Pienestä korvauksesta voidaan neuvotella.
Price: CIF,FOB,EXW,can be negotiation.
Hinta: CIF, FOB, EXW, voidaan neuvotella.
Terms and conditions can be negotiated case by case basis.
Ehdoista voidaan neuvotella tapauskohtaisesti.
He has argued "it must be a battle of hearts and minds, as well as force" and that "the threat cannot be negotiated away or appeased – it has to be confronted and overcome".
Cameron on sanonut, ettei "terrorismin uhkaa voi neuvotella tai taivutella pois, vaan se täytyy kohdata ja tuhota."
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