Translation for "bobo's" to finnish
  • bobo
  • bobot
Translation examples
Record pronunciation for bobo bobo [kri
Nauhoita ääntäminen sanalle bobo bobo [kri
Record pronunciation for bobo bobo [yo
Nauhoita ääntäminen sanalle bobo bobo [yo
Bobo Dioulasso airports
Kohteen Bobo Dioulasso lentokentät
Email Translation Translation of bobo
Käännös sanalle bobo
Airlines to Bobo Dioulasso
Lentoyhtiöt maahan: Bobo Dioulasso
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Great places in Bobo Dioulasso
Mahtavia paikkoja Bobo Dioulasso
The region's capital is Bobo Dioulasso.
Sen pääkaupunki on Bobo Dioulasso.
It is the only way to get in contact with Bobo.
Ainoa älykäs on Bobo.
It can also be considered as DJ BoBo's signature song.
Sitä voidaan pitää myös DJ Bobon nimikkokappaleena.
The term is equivalent to e.g. LOHAS and Bobo (Bohémiens bourgeoises).
Asukkaat ovat etupäässä boboja (bwa) ja fulbeja.
Maïga, who was born Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, holds a Belgian passport.
Lô syntyi Bobo Dioulassossa, Burkina Fasossa senegalilaiseen perheeseen.
The Bobo Ashanti were founded by Prince Emmanuel Charles Edwards in the 1950s.
Bobo Shantin perusti vuonna 1958 Prince Emanuel Charles Edwards.
Boromo is located directly between the two major cities of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso.
Balé sijaitsee Ouagadougoun ja Bobo Dioulasson välisen päätien varrella.
The track features hip hop group Styles of Beyond and Eric Bobo of Cypress Hill.
Kappaleella vierailevat Styles of Beyond ja Cypress Hillin Eric Bobo.
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