Translation for "drinks beer" to finnish
Drinks beer
Translation examples
Drink beer, obtain drunken.
Juo olutta, saa humalaisen.
Almost everyone drinks beer in Germany.
Lähes jokainen juo olutta Saksassa.
The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
Henkilö, joka polttaa Bluemastersia, juo olutta.
Drinking beer at different times, for example, in the morning.
Juo olutta eri aikoina, esimerkiksi aamulla.
The man is very important to give up drinking beer.
Mies on erittäin tärkeä luopua juo olutta.
How will the body react if every day people drink beer?
Kuinka elimistö reagoi, jos jokainen päivä juo olutta?
- green tea (for health and for those who do not drink beer);
- vihreää teetä (terveys- ja niille, jotka eivät juo olutta);
And do not think about the terribly expensive parking and the number of drinking beer.
Ja älä ajattele kovin kallis pysäköinti ja määrä juo olutta.
topless girls drinking beer and behind the scenes putting on makeup and getting dressed YouPorn 20:31
Topless tytöt juo olutta ja kulissien takana laittaa meikkiä ja pukeutumista YouPorn 20:31
The locals teach us some drinking songs: “I was drinking beer and singing nicely; why are my cheeks so red?”
Paikalliset opettavat meille juomalauluja: "Olin juo olutta ja laulu hienosti; miksi poskiani niin punainen?
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