Translation for "muslim nation" to finnish
Translation examples
Among the early converts were Bilal son of Rabah from Abyssinian, Abu Ubaydah son of Al-Jarrah from the tribe of Bani Harith son of Fahr who gained the reputation as being the most trusted of the Muslim nation, Abu Salamah son of Abd Al-Asad, Al-Arqam son of Abi Al-Arqam from the tribe of Makhzum, Othman son of Maz'oun and his two brothers Qudama and Abdullah, Ubaydah son of Al-Harith son of Al-Muttalib son of Abd Munaf, Sa'id son of Zayd Al-Adawi and his wife Fatima the daughter of Al-Khattab who was the sister of Omar, Khabbab son of Al-Aratt, Abdullah son of Masood Al-Hadhali.
Varhaiset käännynnäiset olivat Bilal poika Rabah alkaen abessinialainen, Abu Ubaydah poika Al-Jarrahin heimosta Bani Harith pojan Fahr joka sai mainetta luotetuin muslimien kansakunta, Abu Salama poika Abd al-Asad Al-Arqam poika Abi Al-Arqam sukukunnasta Makhzum, Othmanpoika Maz'oun ja hänen kaksi veljeään Qudama ja Abdullah, Ubaydah poika Al-Harith poika alMuttalibin poika Abd Munaf, Said poika Zayd Al-Adawi ja hänen vaimonsa Fatiman tytär Al-Khattabin joka oli sisar Omar, Khabbab poika Al-Aratt, Abdullah poika Masood Al-Hadhali. THE VISION Khalid poika Said
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