Translation for "sum to" to finnish
Translation examples
(b) they sum to 13, and
(b) ne summa, 13 ja
Not enough sum to add this set
Tämän setin lisäämiseksi summa ei riitä
Please DO NOT transfer the outstanding sum to niceshops GmbH.
ÄLÄ maksa summaa niceshops GmbH-yhtiön tilille.
You can transfer the purchase sum to our bank account (IBAN/SWIFT).
Voit maksaa summan tilillemme (IBAN/SWIFT).
There are ways the numbers can sum to thousands digit of .
On olemassa tapoja numerot voivat summa tuhansiin numero .
The annual sum to be awarded has grown significantly over the past few years.
Summa on kasvanut merkittävästi viime vuosina.
If we cancel a flight, the sum to be refunded will be as follows:
Jos peruutamme lennon, hyvitettävä summa on seuraava:
A convex quadrilateral is cyclic if and only if opposite angles sum to 180°.
Nelikulmio on konveksi ja syklinen jos ja vain jos vastakkaiset kulmat ovat supplemettikulmia eli niiden summa on 180 astetta.
Two lines are parallel if and only if the two angles of any pair of consecutive interior angles of any transversal are supplementary (sum to 180°).
Sisäkulman ja ulkokulman summa on aina 180° eli ne ovat toistensa suplementtikulmia.
Avalanche briefly leaves the Brotherhood and attempts to blackmail the state of California into paying him an enormous sum to prevent him from using his power to generate an earthquake.
Avalanche jätti Veljeskunnan väliaikaisesti yrittäessään kiristää Kalifornian osavaltiota suuresta summasta rahaa uhaten laukaista valtavan maanjäristyksen.
The following example is written in the MIPS assembly language: begin: addi $8, $0, 0 # initialize sum to 0 addi $9, $0, 1 # set first number to add = 1 loop: slti $10, $9, 1000 # check if the number is less than 1000 beq $10, $0, finish # if odd number is greater than n then exit add $8, $8, $9 # update sum addi $9, $9, 1 # get next number j loop # repeat the summing process finish: add $2, $8, $0 # put sum in output register Once told to run this program, the computer will perform the repetitive addition task without further human intervention.
Seuraava esimerkki on kirjoitettu MIPS-suorittimen assembly-kielellä: begin: addi $8, $0, 0 # initialize sum to 0 addi $9, $0, 1 # set first number to add = 1 loop: slti $10, $9, 1000 # check if the number is less than 1000 beq $10, $0, finish # if odd number is greater than n then exit add $8, $8, $9 # update sum addi $9, $9, 1 # get next number j loop # repeat the summing process finish: add $2, $8, $0 # put sum in output register Pääartikkeli: Tietokonearkkitehtuuri Tietokonearkkitehtuureista yleisimmät ovat Von Neumannin arkkitehtuuri ja Harvardin arkkitehtuuri.
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