Translation for "are geniuses" to french
Are geniuses
Translation examples
Honorary Director-General, International Biographical Centre; Lifetime Deputy Governor and Member of the Board of Governors, American Biographical Institute; listed in International Leaders in Achievement; named "Genius laureate of Ghana" in the "500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century" .
Directeur général honoraire de l'International Biographical Centre; Gouverneur adjoint à vie et membre du Conseil des gouverneurs de l'American Biographical Institute; cité dans l'International Leaders in achievement; cité parmi les 500 plus grands génies du XXIe siècle.
As national symbols of Belarus, the names of these poets united all people and found an echo among members of various ethnic groups living in Belarus. They took part in festivities in many cities and themselves organized events devoted to these geniuses of Belarusian culture.
L'hommage à ces symboles nationaux du Bélarus a uni tous les habitants et a suscité l'intérêt de membres de différents groupes ethniques vivant au Bélarus, qui ont participé aux festivités dans nombre de villes et ont organisé euxmêmes des manifestations consacrées à ces deux génies de la culture bélarussienne.
The Governing Board of the American Biographical Institute (ABI) conferred on Daasebre in 2006 the distinguished title of Genius Laureate of Ghana, as recorded in 500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century, published by the Institute for his "unparalleled intellect and wisdom" as well as his "distinguished progression and mastery in the field as statistician and traditional ruler".
En 2006, le Conseil d'administration de l'American Biographical Institute (ABI) a cité M. Boateng parmi les 500 plus grands génies du XXIe siècle, en saluant son esprit et sa sagesse ainsi que ses réussites en tant que statisticien et chef traditionnel.
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