Translation for "attempting was" to french
Translation examples
Resuscitation was attempted, but without success.
On a tenté sans succès de le ranimer.
Conciliation attempted
Conciliation tentée
(i) Escaping or attempting to escape;
"i) S'échappe ou tente de s'échapper;
Allegedly, he attempted suicide in 2009.
Il aurait tenté de se suicider en 2009.
Absence of escape attempts;
Ne pas tenter de s'évader;
Article 26 - Attempt
Article 26 - Infractions tentées
Attempts are being made to appease the aggressors.
On tente d'apaiser les agresseurs.
The commentary attempts to address the point.
Le commentaire tente de traiter cette question.
Attempted manslaughter/attempted assault
Tentative d'homicide/tentative d'agression
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