Translation for "avenement" to french
Translation examples
The following other nongovernmental organizations were represented by observers: Alianza de Afrodescendientes de las Americas y el Caribe, Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP), AFROAMERICA XXI, Asociación Proyecto Caribe, Basque League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, Bhutan Women and Children's Organization, Centro de Articulaçãs de Populações Marginalizadas (CEAP), Centro de Desarrollo de la Mujer Negra Peruana (CEDEMUNEP), Consejo Gitano, Cultura de Solidaridad Afroindígena, Dalit Liberation Education Trust, Danish Centre for Human Rights, Council of Social Organizations in favour of the Basque Language, Espacio Afroamericano, Fala Preta Organização de Mulheres Negras, Foundation for Support and Research of Indigenous People in Crimea, Geledés-Instituto da Mulher Negra, Greek Helsinki Monitor, HEARDS - India, Indigenous Information Network, Inter-Ethnic Initiative for Human Rights Foundation, Karen National Union, Kurdish Reconstruction Organization, Liga Pro Europa, Mécs László Association, Minority Rights Movement of San Andrés, Providence and Catalina Islands (Colombia), Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), Mundo Afro National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR), National Commission for Reparations, National Movement for the Human Rights of the Afro-Colombian Peoples (CIMARRON), National Sorry Day Committee, Nepal Indigenous Peoples Development and Information Service Centre (NIPDISC), Niger Women's Coalition Against War (CFNCC), Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario (ODECO), Organisation guinéenne de défense des droits de l'homme (OGDH), Organización Mundo Afro, Papua Council, Proceso de Comunidades Negras, Red Regional de Mujeres Afro Caribenas y Afro Latino Americanas, Rom-Star Organisation, Roma Association of Izmail and Region, Rroma Centre of Public Policies "Aven Amentza", SATRA/ASTRA - Rroma Students and Youth Against Racism Alliance, Sikh Human Rights Group, Slovak Helsinki Committee, South Asia Forum for Human Rights, South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring (SICHREM), Sudanese Women's Voice for Peace, Teesri Duniya Adhyan Kendra, The Koteka Peoples' Association for Rights, Peace and Justice, Third World Study Centre, Unissons-nous pour la promotion des Batwa (UNIPROBA), Word Centre for Human Rights, Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa (WIMSA).
9. Les autres organisations non gouvernementales dont les noms suivent étaient représentées par des observateurs: Alianza de Afrodescendientes de lasAméricas y el Caribe, Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP), AFROAMERICA XXI, Asociación Proyecto Caribe, Basque League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples, Bhutan Women and Children's Organization, Centro de Articulação de Populações Marginalizadas (CEAP), Centro de Desarrollo de la Mujer Negra Peruana (CEDEMUNEP), Consejo Gitano, Cultura de Solidaridad Afroindígena, Dalit Liberation Education Trust, Council of Social Organizations in favour of the Basque Language, Danish Centre for Human Rights, Espacio Afrocamericano, Fala Preta Organização de Mulheres Negras, Foundation for Support and Research of Indigenous People in Crimea, GeledésInstituto da Mulher Negra, Greek Helsinki Monitor, HEARDS - India, Indigenous Information Network, InterEthnic Initiative for Human Rights Foundation, Karen National Union, Kurdish Reconstruction Organization, Liga pro Europa, Mécs László Association, Minority Rights Movement of San Andrés, Providence and Catalina Islands (Colombie) Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), Mundo Afro, National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR), National Commission for Reparations, National Movement for the Human Rights of the Human Rights of the AfroColombian Peoples (CIMARRON), National Sorry Day Committee, Nepal Indigenous Peoples Development and Information Service Centre (NIPDISC), Niger Women's Coalition Against War (CFNCC), Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario (ODECO), Organisation guinéenne de défense des droits de l'homme (OGDH), Papua Council, Proceso de Comunidades Negras, Red Regional de Mujeres Afro Caribenas y Afro Latino Americanas, RomStar Organisation, Roma Association of Izmail and Region, Roma Centre of Public Policies <<Aven Amentza>>, SATRA/ASTRA - Roma Students and Youth Against Racism Alliance, Sikh Human Rights Group, Slovak Helsinki Committee, South Asia Forum for Human Rights, South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring (SICHREM), Sudanese Women's Voice for Peace, Teesri Duniya Adhyan Kendra, The Koteka Peoples' Association for Rights, Peace and Justice, Third World Study Centre, Unissonsnous pour la promotion des Batwa (UNIPROBA), World Centre for Human Rights, Working Group of Indegenous Minorities in Southern Africa (WIMSA).
The few programmes which are aimed to treat the Rroma minority with respect and understanding and to support Rroma children were initiated by NGOs, whether Rroma or not: Foundation for an Open Society, Rromani Criss, Aven Amentza, Save the Children, Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society, UNICEF, etc. But these rather small-scale projects should be taken up, developed, and funded by the State in order to obtain a more visible result nationwide.
Les rares programmes visant à traiter la minorité rom avec respect et compréhension et à aider les enfants roms ont été entrepris par les ONG, qu'elles appartiennent elles-mêmes à la communauté rom ou non : Fondation pour une société ouverte, Rromeni Criss, Aven Amentza, Save the Children, Fondation pour le développement de la société civile, l'UNICEF, etc. Ces projets à échelle plutôt réduite devraient être repris, développés et financés par l'État afin que l'on obtienne sur le plan national des résultats plus évidents.
The observer for the Roma Centre of Public Policies "Aven Amentza" in a joint statement with SATRA/ASTRA, spoke about the educational and linguistic discrimination experienced by Roma in Romania.
96. L'observateur du Roma Centre of Public Policies <<Aven Amentza>>, dans une déclaration commune avec SATRA/ASTRA, a évoqué la discrimination exercée à l'encontre des Roms dans les domaines de l'enseignement et de la langue en Roumanie.
Patrick Cloaguen, born in Pont-Aven.
Cloaguen Patrick, né à Pont-Aven.
But the aven-jet.
Mais l'Aven-jet.
I do not see the mother Guérec and then to Pont-Aven, 4 km.
Je ne vois que la mère Guérec ou alors à Pont-Aven, à 4 km.
It is a fishing port on Aven.
C'est un port de pêche sur l'Aven.
This is not the Pont-Aven cap?
C'est pas la coiffe de Pont-Aven ?
Pont-Aven, in the Finistère region.
- Pont-Aven, c'est dans le Finistère.
Guérec or pension, at the exit of the village, on the road to Pont-Aven.
Ou la pension Guérec, à la sortie du village, sur la route de Pont-Aven.
She says that you are the best painter in Pont-Aven.
Elle dit que vous êtes le meilleur peintre de Pont-Aven.
"near Pont-Aven."
À côté de Pont-Aven.
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