Translation for "be married to" to french
Be married to
Translation examples
A woman's right to decide to marry and not to be married off must be recognized and protected.
Le droit de la femme de se marier et non d'être mariée doit être reconnu et protégé.
I'll hopefully be married to susie.
J'espère pouvoir être marié à Susie.
It's like being married to ESPN.
J'ai l'impression d'être mariée à E.S.P.N.
Being married to your career?
- Être marié à ta carrière ?
- Being married to a famous star.
- D'être marié à une vedette.
Imagine being married to that guy.
Imagine être mariée à ce type.
Of being married to Kathy Bates.
D'être mariée à Kathy Bates.
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