Translation for "belorussia" to french
Translation examples
143. Material on and for children appears in the State nationwide social and political press in, inter alia, such columns as "Education strategy ", "Demographic situation", "Talent from the backcountry" and "Family report" in the Respublika ("Republic") newspaper; "Young but not green", "The Nation's health", "Our dear moms" and "Right to protection" in the Belaruskaya Niva ("Belarusian Cornfield") newspaper; and "Bridgehead", "Our cause", and "Guestbook" in the Zvyazda newspaper. Issues of interest to the young generation are treated in such special sections as, inter alia, "Society", "Man and his work", and "Health" in the Savetskaya Belorussia ("Soviet Belarus") newspaper; "Children and we" and "We are young" in the Belaruskaya niva ("Belarusian field") newspaper; "I am young" in the Narodnaya gazeta or "People's newspaper"; the Zvyazda "Healthy country" special edition; and the Narodnaya gazeta "Family" supplement.
143. Des informations sur les enfants et pour les enfants sont insérées dans les rubriques ci-après des publications politico-sociales imprimées nationales : "Stratégie d'éducation", "Situation démographique", "Le talent venu du pays profond", "Reportage familial" (journal "Respoublika "); "Моlodo, da nie zeleno", "Santé de la nation", "Nos chères mamans", "Avec le droit à la protection" (journal "Bielorouskaïa niva"); "Tête de pont", "Svaïa sprava", "Gastseïnia" (journal "Zviazda"), etc. En outre, les problèmes de la jeune génération sont abordés dans des << petites feuilles >> intitulées "La société", "L'homme et son oeuvre", "La santé" (journal "Biélorussie soviétique"); "Les enfants et nous", "Nous sommes jeunes" ("Bielorouskaïa niva"); "Je suis jeune" (journal "Le Journal du peuple"); des éditions spéciales intitulées "Kraina zdaroïa" (journal "Zviazdа"); et un supplément intitulé "La famille" (journal "Le Journal du peuple").
2) Advisory Mission throughout the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) Regions (UN ECE/World Youth Bank), Minsk, Belarus 23-29 August 2003 where IIC took an active part in the discussion and provided expertise on business development projects and investment opportunities in Belorussia;
2) Mission consultative dans l'ensemble des régions de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (ONU-CEE/Banque mondiale de la jeunesse), Minsk (Bélarus), 23-29 août 2003, dans le cadre de laquelle l'IIC a participé activement aux discussions et a fourni une expertise sur les projets de développement des entreprises et les possibilités d'investissement en Biélorussie;
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