Translation for "compart" to french
Translation examples
2.4. "Separate heating compartment" means a compartment for a combustion heater located outside the interior compartment and the engine compartment."
2.4 Par "compartiment séparé de chauffage" un compartiment destiné à un chauffage à combustion placé à l'extérieur du compartiment intérieur et du compartiment moteur.>>.
Multi-compartment equipment: Insulated equipment with two or more compartments for only one regulated temperature in one compartment or in all compartments
Engin à compartiments multiples : Engin isotherme comportant deux compartiments ou davantage, dans lequel la température est régulée dans un seul compartiment ou dans tous les compartiments.
1. Multi-compartment equipment: Equipment with two or three insulated compartments for maintaining different temperatures in each compartment;
1. Engin multi-compartiments: Engin avec deux ou trois compartiments isolés pour des températures différentes dans chaque compartiment.
The zippered compartment.
Le compartiment fermé.
The secret compartment.
Le compartiment secret.
Check the compartment.
Vérifie le compartiment.
-The last compartment.
- Le dernier compartiment.
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