Translation for "consideres" to french
Translation examples
Section III-Cross-cutting considerations: (ii) Waste management considerations
Section III - Considérations croisées : ii) considérations sur la gestion des déchets
(e) Investments motivated by environmental considerations and the financial impact of such considerations.
e) Investissements motivés par des considérations relatives à l'environnement et incidences financières de ces considérations.
Proposed the replacement of "consideration and endorsement" with "its consideration".
a proposé de remplacer << consideration and endorsement >> par << its consideration >>.
Taking into consideration...
Si l'on considère...
His environmental considerations.
Ses considérations environnementales.
Courtesy, consideration, respect.
Politesse, considération, respect.
- "Respect and consideration"?
- "Respect et considération" ?
We were more considerate.
Plus de considération.
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