Translation for "dry-off" to french
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We'll find a place to camp, dry off. Or we'll get fungal infection.
- On va se sécher car c'est un coup à attraper des mycoses.
When you get out of the water, you need to dry off right away to avoid catching a cold.
En sortant de l'eau, il faut bien se sécher pour ne pas prendre froid.
We ask that guests dry off before entering the casino.
On demande aux gens de se sécher avant d'entrer.
We ducked in there to dry off.
On s'est précipités dedans pour se sécher.
He goes back to dry off.
Louis rentre se sécher.
But first we probably need to dry off.
Okay. Mais on dois d'abord se sécher.
- Let's start by drying off.
- On va commencer par se sécher.
Give him a chance to dry off, uh? We're just trying to get a couple pictures!
Laissez-le se sécher !
Get wet, dry off, get wet, dry off.
Se mouiller, se sécher, se mouiller, se sécher.
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