Translation for "finked" to french
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Translation examples
- Rosy, hey. - Hey, fink. - Hey, Carmen.
Rosy salut salut mouchard salut Carmen
He's Super Fink.
C'est Super Mouchard.
Permanent goddamn fink.
Un putain de mouchard.
Come here, you fink!
Viens ici, mouchard !
Finks never have any money.
Les mouchards sont toujours fauchés.
Hello, pansy! Fink! You rat!
Mouchard, salaud, tantouze!
That's the Captain's fink.
Voilà le mouchard du capitan.
You dirty fink. You brought the cops.
Sale mouchard, tu as alerté les flics !
You finked, and they know it, don't they?
T'as mouchardé et ils le savent.
That's what happens to finks.
Voilà ce qui arrive aux mouchards.
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