Translation for "internationals" to french
Translation examples
International Abolitionist Federation, International Council of Women, Zonta International
Conseil international des femmes, Fédération abolitionniste internationale, Zonta International
Global 2000, International Abolitionist Federation, International Council of Women, Soroptimist International, Zonta International
Conseil international des femmes, Fédération abolitionniste internationale, Global 2000, Soroptimist International, Zonta International
The definition of "the international law" should be understood as the entire international law with particular reference to international agreements, decisions and resolutions of the international organizations and bodies, common international law and rulings of the international courts.
Par << droit international >>, il faut entendre l'ensemble du droit international, et particulièrement les accords internationaux, les décisions et résolutions des organismes et organes internationaux, le droit commun international et les décisions des tribunaux internationaux.
The observers for Soroptimist International, Amnesty International, the International Sociological Association and the International Council of Psychologists made statements.
Les observateurs de l’Association soroptimiste internationale, d’Amnesty International, de l’Association internationale de sociologie et du Conseil international des psychologues sont intervenus.
International Alliance of Women, International Council of Women, International Movement ATD Fourth World, International Save the Children Alliance, Zonta International.
Alliance internationale des femmes, Conseil international des femmes, International Save the Children Alliance, Mouvement international ATD — quart monde, Zonta International.
Caritas Internationalis -- International Confederation of Catholic Charities, International Association of Lions Clubs, International Council of Women, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, Rotary International, Soroptimist International, Zonta International
Association Soroptimist International, Caritas Internationalis (Confédération internationale des charités catholiques), Association internationale des Lions Club, Conseil international des femmes, Fédération internationale des femmes de carrières libérales et commerciales, Rotary International, Zonta International
International Chamber of Commerce, International Council of Women, Zonta International
Chambre de commerce internationale, Conseil international des femmes, Zonta International
General consultative status: International Council of Women, International Federation of Business and Professional Women, Rotary International, Soroptimist International, Zonta International
Statut consultatif général: Conseil international des femmes, Fédération internationale des femmes de carrières libérales et commerciales, Rotary International, Soroptimist International, Zonta International
They include organizations such as Rotary International, Soroptimist International, United Way International, Junior Chamber International, Zonta International, the Baha'i European Business Forum and Lions International.
On peut citer notamment Rotary International, Soroptimist International, United Way International, Jeune chambre internationale, Zonta International, le Baha'i European Business Forum et Lions International.
- International Postal Agency?
- L'Agence Internationale?
Apparently, international deals call for international waters.
Apparemment, des affaires internationales appellent des eaux internationales.
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