Translation for "is sequela" to french
Is sequela
Translation examples
To support that argument, reference is made to a report by Gustave Gingras on "The sequelae of inhuman conditions and slave labour experienced by members of the Canadian components of the Hong Kong forces, 1941-1945, while prisoners of the Japanese Government".
Ils mentionnent, à l'appui de cet argument, un rapport établi par M. Gustave Gingras, intitulé "The sequelae of inhuman conditions and slave labour experienced by members of the Canadian components of the Hong Kong forces, 1941-1945, while prisoners of the Japanese Government" ("Les séquelles laissées par les conditions inhumaines et les travaux forcés imposés aux membres des bataillons canadiens des Forces armées à Hong Kong, prisonniers du Gouvernement japonais entre 1941 et 1945").
In 2007, the organization sponsored a symposium at the United Nations, on the theme "Strategies to facilitate biosphere management and lifestyle change: measures to protect the environment and prevent drastic sequelae of current and future climate changes".
En 2007, l'organisation a parrainé un colloque aux Nations Unies sur le thème << Strategies to facilitate biosphere management and lifestyle change: measures to protect the environment and prevent drastic sequelae of current et future climate changes >>.
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