Translation for "it becomes is" to french
It becomes is
Translation examples
(c) becomes (b)
c) devient b) (a) becomes (b) and (b) becomes (a). a) devient b) et b) devient a).
Article 16 becomes Article 14, Article 14 becomes Article 15 and Article 15 becomes Article 16.
L'article 16 devient l'article 14, l'article 14 devient l'article 15, et l'article 15 devient l'article 16.
But, because something becomes a possibility, does not mean that it becomes an inevitability.
Mais une chose qui devient possible ne devient pas nécessairement inévitable.
Becomes Devient
With this arrangement, the child does not become a ward and, consequently, the Director does not become the legal guardian.
Selon cet arrangement, l'enfant ne devient pas un pupille, et le directeur ne devient donc pas le tuteur légal.
(d) becomes (c).
d) devient c).
It becomes irrelevant.
Il devient inutile.
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