Translation for "it is become" to french
Translation examples
Problems have become global, whereas globalization has become localized.
Les problèmes sont devenus mondiaux et la mondialisation est devenue locale.
Has it become better?
Est-il devenu meilleur?
Indeed, this has become a necessity.
Ceci est devenu même une nécessité.
Security had become a matter of high priority since the United Nations had become the target of extremists.
La sécurité est devenue une question hautement prioritaire depuis que l'ONU est devenue la cible d'extrémistes.
Has it become more thorough?
Est-il devenu plus minutieux?
What had become of those rights?
Qu'est—t-il devenu de ces idéaux ?
The situation has become critical.
La situation est devenue critique.
What has become of it?
Qu'en est-il devenu?
It has become universal.
Elle est devenue universelle.
It had become the norm.
Or elle était devenue la norme.
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