Translation for "north on" to french
Translation examples
D. North and North-East Asia
D. Asie du Nord et du Nord-Est
Provinces in the north-western and north- eastern regions
Provinces des régions du nord—ouest et du nord—est
Visa refusals and administrative difficulties are increasingly frequent, whether in North-South, South-North or even North-North exchanges.
Les refus de visas, les difficultés administratives ne cessent de se multiplier, qu'il s'agisse d'échanges Nord-Sud, Sud-Nord et même Nord-Nord.
Will there always be a North and a South — a small South in the North and a small North in the South?
Y aura-t-il toujours un Nord et un Sud — un petit Sud au Nord et un petit Nord au Sud?
(b) Explore different ways of cooperation, including triangular, South-South, North-South, South-North and North-North;
b) Explorer différents moyens de coopérer, y compris la coopération triangulaire, Sud-Sud, Nord-Sud, Sud-Nord et Nord-Nord;
North and north-east
Nord et Nord-est
Central north and north-east
Centre-nord et nord-est
North-East Atlantic and North Sea
Atlantique Nord-Est et mer du Nord
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