Translation for "of such" to french
Translation examples
I will not hear of such excesses.
Jamais je n'ai vu de telles extravagances.
It is exciting, speaking of such things, is it not?
C'est exitant de parler de telles chose, non?
That you could even think of such things!
Que tu puisses penser de telles choses !
Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?
Qui l'eût cru capable de telles atrocités ?
We've never thought of such a thing!
Nous n'avons pas de telles intentions !
What do I know of such things?
Que sais-je de telles choses ?
I didn't think him capable of such emotion.
Je ne le pensais pas capable de telles émotions.
What do you know of such things?
Comment savez-vous de telles choses ?
Don't speak of such things, my Lord.
Ne dites pas de telles choses, seigneur.
We're forbidden to speak of such things here.
Il est interdit de parler de telles choses ici.
I have need of such gifts.
J'ai besoin de tels dons.
Of such attention
De tels égards
I've never even heard of such a thing.
Jamais rien entendu de tel.
I never heard of such a thing.
Je n'ai rien entendu de tel.
Perhaps you believe us incapable of such moments.
Vous nous croyez incapables de tels sentiments.
Has he shown abilities of such magnitude?
Est-il en possession de tels pouvoirs?
We have need of such men.
Il nous faut de tels hommes.
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