Translation for "paralyzed him" to french
Translation examples
- Yeah, and kill him or paralyze him?
- Ouais, et le tuer ou le paralyser ?
- It could paralyze him!
- La ligature pourrait le paralyser.
And the pressure is going to paralyze him eventually.
Et la pression finira pas le paralyser.
My God, won't that paralyze him?
Mon dieu, ça ne va pas le paralyser ?
You're gonna paralyze him.
- Tu vas le paralyser. - Tu m'aides pas.
You'll let me know if I paralyze him, won't you?
Tu me diras si je le paralyse, hein ?
I couldn't have paralyzed him.
Il est impossible que j'aie pu le paralyser.
You're going to paralyze him.
Tu vas le paralyser.
We could paralyze him.
- On pourrait le paralyser. - Que dit House ?
We'll have to paralyze him.
On doit le paralyser.
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