Translation for "pass right through" to french
Pass right through
Translation examples
It's passing right through you, like a ghost.
Ça vient de passer à travers vous. Comme un fantôme.
If I happen to hit the wall at exactly the right moment, when all the spaces are aligned, then theoretically, I should pass right through the wall.
si je frappe le mur exactement au bon moment, quand tout l'espace est aligné, alors, en théorie, je devrais passer à travers.
Allow the universe to pass right through you.
Laissez l'univers passer à travers vous.
Well, you know something, the line of flight of that bullet through the window... Well, that slug would've passed right through him.
Etant donné la trajectoire de la balle par la vitre, elle aurait dû lui passer à travers.
The spears seemed to be passing right through them.
Les lances semblaient passer à travers leurs corps.
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