Translation for "recommend him" to french
Translation examples
I'll highly recommend him!
Je vous le recommande.
I'd like to recommend him for a job.
J'aimerais le recommander pour un emploi.
You're gonna recommend him.
Tu vas le recommander.
Yes, I highly recommend him.
Oui, je le recommande chaudement.
I recommended him, didn't I?
- S'il te plaît, Jack. C'est moi qui te le recommande.
Well, I can recommend him, honey.
Je te le recommande, chérie.
So why did she recommend him?
Mais pourquoi elle le recommande ?
I highly recommend him, seriously.
Je le recommande vivement... si jamais vous avez besoin d'un...
If we don't recommend him, he dies.
Si on ne le recommande pas, il mourra.
And it was you, I believe, who recommended him to Dr. Torres.
Et c'est vous, je crois, qui lui avez recommandé le Dr Torres.
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