Translation for "scapulas" to french
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Scapula and related cartilage removed
Omoplate et son cartilage enlevés.
"Scapula meat" is produced by removing the meat attached to the scapula bone (shoulder blade).
La <<viande d'omoplate>> s'obtient en enlevant la viande attenante à l'omoplate.
It shall consist of the muscle that lies immediately ventral to the ridge of the scapula
Il correspond au muscle ventral à l'épine de l'omoplate.
This item is the thin muscle that is removed immediately ventral to the scapula bone
Il s'agit du muscle mince enlevé qui est ventral à l'omoplate
All bones and cartilage other than the scapula and its related cartilage are removed.
Tous les os et le cartilage sont enlevés, à l'exception de l'omoplate et son cartilage.
Blade bone (scapula) retained or removed
Omoplate laissée en place ou enlevée
It's gone through the scapula.
Ca a traversé l'omoplate.
Exit below the left scapula.
Ressortie sous l'omoplate gauche.
Bullet hit your scapula.
Une balle a touché l'omoplate.
The scapula is intact.
L'omoplate est intact.
She blew the left scapula.
Elle m'a explosé l'omoplate gauche.
scapula's broken up.
L'omoplate est cassée.
Oh, just inside her scapula.
Juste dans son omoplate.
Oh, don't forget the shattered scapula.
N'oubliez pas m'omoplate brisé.
Look at the left scapula.
Regardez l'omoplate gauche.
Exit below scapula.
Sortie sous l'omoplate.
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