Translation for "statu" to french
  • quo
Translation examples
(a) The status quo
a) Le statu quo
No country readily changes the status quo if it benefits from the status quo.
Aucun pays n'est disposé à modifier le statu quo s'il tire avantage du statu quo.
The result is the maintenance of the status quo -- a status quo deemed unacceptable by the Security Council.
Le résultat est le maintien du statu quo, un statu quo jugé inacceptable par le Conseil de sécurité.
Everything's status quo.
- C'est le statu quo.
Maintain the status quo.
Maintenez le statu quo.
Screw the status quo.
Oublions le statu quo.
Keep the status quo.
Maintenir le statu quo.
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