Translation for "than double" to french
Translation examples
Traffic's more than doubled since they closed that south gate.
Le trafic a plus que doublé depuis qu'ils on fermé l'entrée Sud.
His creatinine's more than doubled.
Son taux de créatinine a plus que doublé.
It's a good thing your practice has more than doubled in the last six months.
C'est une bonne chose que ton cabinet ait plus que doublé ces six derniers mois.
He 's more than doubled the size of Rome in the last eight years and what do you ask him to do.
Il a plus que doublé la taille de Rome ces 8 dernières années.
Already it has more than doubled its size.
Sa taille a déjà plus que doublé.
That's why we more than doubled our money.
C'est pourquoi nous avons plus que doublé notre argent.
He more than doubled the offer.
Il a plus que doublé l'offre.
Overnight, populations of inland cities were more than doubled.
Du jour au lendemain, la population des villes à l'intérieur a plus que doublé.
As you know, China's demand will more than double before my daughter turns 21.
Vous le savez, la demande chinoise aura plus que doublé quand ma fille aura 21 ans.
House prices more than doubled.
L'immobilier a plus que doublé.
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