Translation for "that converse is" to french
Translation examples
That conversation is recorded on tape.
Cette conversation est enregistrée.
Good manners in a conversation
Bonnes manières dans la conversation
We can talk to your dad. That conversation is the last thing he needs right now.
Cette conversation est la dernière chose dont il a besoin en ce moment.
Frank, the only way we're gonna have that conversation, is to have the larger one first.
Frank, le seul moyens que nous ayons cette conversation, est de l'avoir de façon plus large.
Well, Paul, you know that that conversation is confidential, but listen, this girl came to me.
Vous savez que cette conversation est confidentielle, mais cette fille est venue me voir.
I think the only way to actually have that conversation is in fact by praying.
Je pense que le seul moyen d'avoir vraiment cette conversation est en priant.
The converse would be at least equally inappropriate.
L'inverse serait au moins aussi impropre.
Conversely, desiccation leads to death.
Inversement, toute dessiccation conduit à la mort.
119. Conversely, it is argued that:
119. En sens inverse, on fait valoir que
Conversely, as the Chamber explained:
Inversement, comme la Chambre l'a expliqué :
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