Translation for "to draw to" to french
Translation examples
My country was the first to draw attention to the problem.
Mon pays a été le premier à attirer l'attention sur ce problème.
In particular we would like to draw attention to the following:
Nous voudrions en particulier attirer l'attention sur ce qui suit :
This has continues to draw international attention to the country.
Ceci continue d'attirer l'attention de la communauté internationale.
As such, I would like to draw your attention to the following.
Dans ces conditions, j'aimerais attirer votre attention sur ce qui suit.
The Board draws attention to the following problems:
Le Conseil consultatif attire l'attention sur ce qui suit:
He also draws our attention to
Le Secrétaire général attire en outre notre attention sur
(a) The alternative symbol should draw attention;
a) Le symbole alternatif doit attirer l'attention;
This is a matter to which we want to draw special attention.
Nous tenons à attirer particulièrement l'attention sur cette question.
I draw your attention to the dates for the fourth session.
J'attire votre attention sur les dates de la quatrième session.
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