Translation for "under the microscope" to french
Under the microscope
Translation examples
3. Under a microscope, asbestos particles appear to be composed of thin curly fibers, much thinner than human hair.
Vues sous un microscope, les particules d'amiante semblent être composées de fibres fines et bouclées, beaucoup plus fines que les cheveux humains.
The four elements of fire, earth, air and water described by Greek doctors were nowhere to be found under the microscope, nor was the human soul that had engaged the attention of both Greek philosophers and Christian theologians over the centuries.
Sous le microscope, pas de trace des quatre éléments - feu, terre, air et eau - décrits par les médecins grecs, ni de l'âme humaine qui avait suscité au fil des siècles l'intérêt des philosophes grecs comme des théologiens chrétiens.
Dr. Stern, would you have a look at this under the microscope?
Dr. Stern, pouvez-vous examiner ceci sous le microscope ?
You know... Your prize recruits under the microscope.
Vos chères recrues sous le microscope.
Listen, to me, I said, under the microscope it looks herpetic.
Écoute, j'ai dit, "Sous le microscope, on dirait de l'herpès."
Put him under the microscope, see what you find.
Mettez le sous le microscope, voir ce que vous trouvez.
Then you slide it under the microscope.
Puis... tu le glisses sous le microscope.
Anyone who associates with me is put under the microscope,too.
Quiconque m'approche se retrouve aussitôt sous le microscope.
I'll put him under the microscope,see what I find.
Je vais le mettre sous le microscope, on va bien voir.
About how my relationships suffered under the microscope of "Gossip Girl,"
Comment mes relations ont souffert sous le microscope de "Gossip Girl,"
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