Translation for "wash the dishes" to french
Wash the dishes
Translation examples
That was why Congolese society was required to guarantee the many rights of children and to guide them by teaching them their duties, which were not numerous an included respecting others' property, being helpful, helping their grand-parents to wash the dishes or doing some work in the fields.
Voilà pourquoi la société congolaise a l'obligation de garantir à l'enfant de nombreux droits et de le structurer en lui apprenant ses quelques devoirs, comme respecter le bien d'autrui, être serviable, aider ses grands-parents à faire la vaisselle ou effectuer certains travaux champêtres.
Lionel Ritchie,go wash the dishes.
Va faire la vaisselle.
Newspapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.
faire la vaisselle
Go wash the dishes, it's better.
Va faire la vaisselle, ça vaut mieux.
Okay, I'm just gonna wash the dishes.
Okay, Je vais faire la vaisselle.
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