Translation for "be crumpled" to german
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Translation examples
Some were folded and crumpled.
Einige waren gefaltet oder zerknittert.
The material was crumpled but dry.
Der Stoff war zwar zerknittert, aber trocken.
The paperwork is old and crumpled.
Die Unterlagen sind alt und zerknittert.
The packet was dirty and crumpled.
Die Verpakkung war schmutzig und zerknittert.
Her shirt and dress are crumpled.
Bluse und Rock sind zerknittert.
They were crumpled, but who cared?
Sie waren zerknittert, doch wen störte das noch?
Their clothes were grubby and crumpled.
Ihre Kleider waren verdreckt und zerknittert.
The green dress looked crumpled.
Das grüne Kleid war zerknittert.
Their suits were crumpled and dirty.
Ihre Anzüge waren zerknittert und schmutzig.
The blouse and trousers were crumpled.
Inzwischen waren Hose und Bluse zerknittert.
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