Translation for "brightly lit" to german
Translation examples
This carriage was brightly lit.
Dieser Wagen war hell erleuchtet.
Its interior was brightly lit.
Das Innere war hell erleuchtet.
It was not as brightly lit as it should be.
Er war nicht so hell erleuchtet, wie er hätte sein sollen.
The apartment, brightly lit, was empty.
Das hell erleuchtete Apartment war leer.
The corridor was long and brightly lit.
Der Gang war lang und hell erleuchtet.
The king’s tent was brightly lit.
Das Zelt des Königs war hell erleuchtet.
The study was now brightly lit.
Das Arbeitszimmer war diesmal hell erleuchtet.
I staggered to the toilet, which was brightly lit.
Ich wankte zur Toilette, die hell erleuchtet war.
– Cut. – Here is a brightly lit video store.
- Schnitt: - Ein hell erleuchtetes Videogeschäft.
Behind them, a section of the woods was brightly lit.
Dahinter war ein Waldstück hell erleuchtet.
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