Translation for "lincoln tunnel" to german
Lincoln tunnel
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Translation examples
He stepped into the Lincoln Tunnel.
Er trat in den Lincoln Tunnel.
“You forgot the Lincoln Tunnel.”
»Du hast den Lincoln Tunnel vergessen.«
Cross to New Jersey by the Lincoln Tunnel.
Im Lincoln Tunnel durch New Jersey.
how long was the Lincoln Tunnel, anyway?
wie lang war der Lincoln Tunnel überhaupt?
He barely touched the Lincoln Tunnel, where the Hunters were strong.
Er hat den Lincoln Tunnel, wo die Jägerinnen so
We were almost through the Lincoln Tunnel now.
Der Lincoln-Tunnel lag schon fast hinter uns.
The Passenger Ship Terminal, the Intrepid, the Lincoln Tunnel approaches.
Das Passagierschiffsterminal, die Intrepid, die Zufahrten zum Lincoln Tunnel
the leftward branch leads to the Lincoln Tunnel exit.
der linke Zweig führt zur Ausfahrt Lincoln-Tunnel.
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