Translation for "math teacher" to german
Math teacher
Translation examples
I used to be a math teacher.
Ich war mal Mathelehrer.
‘That was Max,’ Ida says. ‘The maths teacher.’
»Das war Max«, sagt Ida. »Der Mathelehrer
"Math teachers, for sure," Marco joked.
„Auf Mathelehrer mit Sicherheit", scherzte Marco.
One of them, Mr Jameson, was the maths teacher at the Home school.
Der eine, Mr Jameson, war Mathelehrer im Heim.
Alex had some questions to ask Hans Waxman, the math teacher.
Alex hatte einige Fragen an Hans Waxman, den Mathelehrer.
My seventh-period math teacher did a much better version.
Mein Mathelehrer in der siebten Klasse beherrschte eine viel bessere Version.
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