Translation for "praised is" to german
Translation examples
Betty Smith was thinking, Praise Allah Praise Allah Praise Allah.
Betty Smith dachte: Gelobt sei Allah gelobt sei Allah gelobt sei Allah.
Praised be the Father, praised be the Blessed Jesus.”
Gelobt sei der Vater, gelobt sei der gute Jesus.
Praise be the Motherland.”
Gelobt sei das Mutterland.
Praise Shiva.
Gelobt sei Schiwa.
Praise be to Allah.
Gelobt sei Allah.
It may be that other people will then praise.
Vielleicht werden sie von anderen gelobt.
He came and praised me.
Er ist gekommen und hat mich gelobt.
Praise the Daughter of Spring!
Gelobt sei die Frühlingstochter!
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