Translation for "the galacto" to german
Translation examples
Auris of Las-Toor was a galacto-sociologist.
Auris von Las-Toor war Galakto-Soziologin.
Starting in 7 tantas Galacto-time Standard.
Ich starte in sieben Tontas gültiger Galakto-Zeit.
Galacto City, according to the latest census, has 230,000 inhabitants.
Galacto-City hat nach der neuen Zählung zweihundertdreißigtausend Einwohner.
These include the prebiotic inulin, which is extracted from endives, and GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides), which are isolated from milk.
Aus Chicorée isoliert man hierfür zum Beispiel das Präbiotikum Inulin, aus Milch GOS (Galacto-Oligo-Saccharide).
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