Translation for "the population in the area" to german
Translation examples
The night elves tried in vain to stop the rout at Suramar, if only so that the Hold could be readied for their entrance. It was hardly large enough to contain the population of the area, much less the huge force Ravencrest had gathered, but the noble had hoped that securing it would steel the hearts of his followers again. That, however, was not to be.
Die Nachtelfen hatten vergeblich versucht, den Feind in Suramar aufzuhalten. Den Verteidigern in der Festung war nicht genügend Zeit geblieben, um sich auf den Einzug des Heers vorzubereiten. Black Rook Hold war gerade groß genug, um die Bevölkerung aus der Gegend aufzunehmen. Ravencrests riesige Streitmacht hätte dort keinen Platz mehr gefunden.
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