Translation for "were neighbours" to german
Were neighbours
Translation examples
Time was a juxtaposition, not a succession. Generations were neighbours.
Zeit war kein Nacheinander, Zeit war ein Nebeneinander. Generationen waren Nachbarn.
They were neighbours, assisted each other over any difficulty.
Sie waren Nachbarn und halfen sich gegenseitig, wenn Schwierigkeiten auftauchten.
My name is Hagir. Our farms are close. We are . were . neighbours.
Ich heiße Hagir. Unsere Höfe liegen dicht beieinander. Wir sind ... waren ... Nachbarn.
In any case, he’d stuck his head out of the window and explained to DS Hunt (they knew Bob Ireton) that they were neighbours, they were the Merricks, who were long and good old neighbours of the Luxtons, and they were here to help.
Jedenfalls steckte er seinen Kopf aus dem Fenster und erklärte DS Hunt (Bob Ireton kannten sie ja), dass sie Nachbarn seien, die Merricks, gute, alte Nachbarn der Luxtons, und gekommen, um zu helfen.
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