Translation for "apply to" to italian
Translation examples
Wouldn't that description also apply to Oscar Keaton?
Questa descrizione si applica a Oscar Keaton?
- Oh, it doesn't apply to you, Ernest.
- Oh, non si applica a te, Ernest.
Mm-hmm? And this theory applies to everything?
E questa teoria si applica a tutto?
And it applies to everyone.
E si applica a tutti.
-It doesn't apply to Jens.
- Non si applica a Jens.
The court order doesn't apply to me.
Il mandato non si applica a me.
But I sense it applies to you.
Ma sento che si applica a lei.
So our warrant can't apply to you.
Quindi il nostro Mandato non si applica a te.
It applies to everyone.
Si applica a tutti quanti.
The prophecies must apply to everyone or they mean nothing.
Le profee'ie devono potersi applicare a chiunque o non sono niente.
- That applies to convents.
- Questo si applica ai conventi.
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