Translation for "ashamed of him" to italian
Ashamed of him
Translation examples
Hey, if you're ashamed of him, you can tell him that.
Hei, se ti vergogni di lui, puoi dirglielo.
It's because you're ashamed of him.
È perché si vergogna di lui.
You... you were saying that at times you're ashamed of him, that he makes you feel ashamed.
Ci stavi dicendo che... alle volte ti vergogni di lui, ti fa vergognare.
You love him... but you are ashamed of him.
Tu lo ami... ma ti vergogni di lui.
Claire, I believe the best thing you can do for Justin is to prove to him that you are not ashamed of him.
Claire, credo che la cosa migliore che tu possa fare per Justin e' provargli che non ti vergogni di lui.
Oh, are you ashamed of him ?
Ah, ti vergogni di lui?
If it is Pete, I am ashamed of him.
Se è Pete, io mi vergogno di lui.
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