Translation for "offers me" to italian
Offers me
Translation examples
- He's offering me 14 for this!
- Mi offre 14 per questa!
Will you offer me a falafel?
- Mi offre un falafel? - Cosa?
He's offering me a way back in.
Mi offre una possibilita' per ritornare.
You're offering me coffee?
Mi offre il caffè?
You offering me something?
Mi offre qualcosa in cambio?
Are you offering me monetary compensation?
Mi offre un compenso pecuniario?
You're not gonna offer me a drink?
Non mi offre da bere?
Instead he offers me my freedom!
Invece lui mi offre la libertà!
Offer me a drink.
MI offre qualcosa al bar ?
Gherardini offered me a job
- Mi offre un posto importante.
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