Translation for "onion and garlic" to italian
Translation examples
Cutting onions and garlic, working hard?
A tagliare cipolle e aglio, friggendo e sgobbando?
But also, they grew a lot of crops that involved avocadoes, and there were tomatoes and onions and garlic...
Ma comunque, avevano un sacco di coltivazioni con l'avocado... E anche molti pomodori, e cipolle, e... Aglio!
Now, I am convinced if anything were to civilization, as long as we have olive oil, onions, and garlic, we could rebuild in like a month.
Sono convinto che se succedesse qualcosa all'umanità, finché ci saranno olio d'oliva, cipolle e aglio, potremmo ricostruire tutto... in un mese.
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