Translation for "red-and-yellow" to italian
Translation examples
Purple, green, red and yellow.
Viola , verde , rosso e giallo .
Riddle me this. What's green and purple but covered in red and yellow?
Indovina questo: cos'e' verde e viola ma coperto da rosso e giallo?
Well, orange encompasses both red and yellow, so...
Beh, l'arancione comprende rosso e giallo, quindi...
- No, but it was red and yellow With flowers painted on the side.
- No, ma era rosso e giallo, con dei fiori disegnati sui lati.
Red and yellow are the color of McDonald's.
Rosso e giallo sono i colori di McDonald's.
Two cry babies with a shot of red and yellow.
Due bimbi piangenti con uno sputo rosso e giallo.
It's red... red and yellow.
E' rosso... rosso e giallo.
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