Translation for "riddled with" to italian
Riddled with
Translation examples
Oh you know... still breathing, still riddled with bullets.
Oh beh... respiro ancora, sono ancora crivellato di proiettili.
Riddled with bullets, he fell across me, whispering...
Crivellato di colpi, mi cadde addosso e mi sussurrò:
- The newspaper says, Mrs. Schweik, that the Archduke was properly riddled with bullets.
- Il giornale dice, che l'Arciduca è stato crivellato di colpi.
His car riddled with bullets.
La sua auto era crivellata di colpi.
He was just riddled with bullets.
Era crivellato di pallottole.
I admit I would like to have seen Eichhorst riddled with bullets.
Devo ammetterlo, mi sarebbe piaciuto vedere Eichhorst crivellato di proiettili.
One second over, and you'll be riddled with bullets.
Un secondo in piu', e sarete crivellati di pallottole.
She'll be riddled with bullets in a few seconds!
Sara' crivellata di proiettili in pochi secondi!
The front of the building is riddled with bullet holes.
La facciata dell'edificio e' crivellata di fori.
The victims were riddled with bulletholes.
Le vittime erano crivellate di proiettili.
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