Translation for "was crossing" to italian
Translation examples
While the man, late for work, was crossing the street,
Mentre l'uomo, in ritardo per il lavoro stava attraversando la strada
He was crossing against the light.
Stava attraversando con il rosso!
She was crossing the street, coming into the building.
Stava attraversando la strada, per entrare nel palazzo.
She was crossing Bryant park.
Stava attraversando il Bryant Park.
Zorn was crossing the road, vehicle ran into him.
Zorn stava attraversando la strada... E un veicolo l'ha investito.
This horse-drawn delivery truck was crossing the rails when out of nowhere...
Un carro ippotrainato stava attraversando i binari, - e dal nulla...
He was crossing the street.
Stava attraversando la strada per tornare indietro.
He was crossing the road.
Stava attraversando la strada.
And two weeks later, he was crossing Delmar Boulevard when this... car ca... came out of nowhere.
E due settimane dopo stava... Attraversando Delmar Boulevard quando questa... Automobile...
She was crossing it by herself.
Lo stava attraversando da sola.
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