Translation for "was told" to italian
Translation examples
I was told he was old.
Mi fu detto all'orecchio che era vecchio.
I was told late.
Mi fu detto tardi.
"Dainichi," he was told.
"Dainichi", gli fu detto.
I was told there were no survivors.
Mi fu detto che non c'erano sopravvissuti.
Beerntsen was told to sign the document anyhow.
Le fu detto di firmare comunque il documento.
He was told to run.
Gli fu detto di correre.
He was told to kneel down.
Gli fu detto di inginocchiarsi.
- I was told by a concerned party. - Who?
- Mi fu detto da una delle parti interessate.
Catherine, who alone was told, And the person who put them there.
Caterina, a cui fu detto in privato...
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