Translation for "meat mincer" to russian
Meat mincer
Translation examples
Meat mincer, electrical
Электрические мясорубки
It's called "the meat mincer", but it's much worse than any mincer.
Называется "мясорубкой", но это хуже любой мясорубки!
He made his brother die in the meat mincer because of money.
Брата своего загубил в "мясорубке" из-за денег.
What right have you got to decide who is to live and who is to go into the meat mincer?
Да какое ты имеешь право решать, кому жить, а кому в мясорубки лезть? !
The Zone had let you through earlier, under the nut, so it became clear that only you could go through the meat mincer.
Еще там, под гайкой, Зона пропустила вас, и стало ясно - уж если кто пройдет "мясорубку", так это вы.
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