Translation for "there were wounds" to russian
Translation examples
From nineteen they were already reduced to fifteen, two others were wounded, and one at least — the man shot beside the gun — severely wounded, if he were not dead.
Из девятнадцати их уже осталось пятнадцать, причем двое ранены, а один, подстреленный у пушки, если не умер, то, во всяком случае, ранен тяжело.
There was not one who was not wounded in four or five places, while some were wounded grievously. Dub was badly injured in a hind leg; Dolly, the last husky added to the team at Dyea, had a badly torn throat; Joe had lost an eye; while Billee, the good-natured, with an ear chewed and rent to ribbons, cried and whimpered throughout the night.
У каждой оказалось не менее четырех-пяти ран, а некоторые пострадали очень тяжело. У Даба была сильно повреждена задняя нога, у Долли (собака, которая была куплена в Дайе и попала в их упряжку последней) на шее зияла страшная рана, Джо лишился глаза, а добряк Билли визжал и скулил всю ночь – у него ухо было изодрано в клочья.
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