Translation for "a further" to spanish
Translation examples
further to strengthen the family;
mayor robustecimiento de la familia;
Further clarification was needed.
Se necesitan mayores aclaraciones.
Further streamlining is needed.
Se necesita una mayor simplificación.
A. Further debt reduction
A. Reducción mayor de la deuda
- Further empowerment of the people
- Un mayor empoderamiento de la población
Contacts for further information
Contacto para mayor información
No further information is provided.
No se agregan mayores informaciones.
Further study was required.
Se necesita un mayor estudio.
State your opinion as to the probable effects of a further reduction in working hours.
Diga su opinión en cuanto a los probables efectos de una mayor reducción en las horas de trabajo.
We'll need a further cash injection to expand at the rate we are growing.
Necesitamos una mayor inyección de efectivo para expandirnos al ritmo que crecemos
And to each of these locations, being those 25 key cities in which reside almost one third of the entire population of Britain, Russia has probably allocated a further unknown quantity of thermo-nuclear missiles.
Y a cada una de esas situaciones, siendo ellas 25 ciudades clave... donde reside casi un tercio de toda la población de Gran Bretaña, es probable que Rusia haya asignado una... mayor cantidad desconocida de misiles termonucleares.
We will exert further pressure and we expect further results.
Ejerceremos mayor presión y esperaremos mayores resultados».
They needed no further comment.
No eran precisos mayores comentarios.
Much further by road.
Por la carretera, la distancia es mayor.
“That will require further study.”
—Eso requerirá mayor estudio.
And for our further disinformation:
Y para mayor desinformación de todos los presentes:
It bore further observation.
El asunto requería mayor observación.
There’s no need for further retribution.
No hay necesidad de mayor castigo.
“Major, we won’t trouble you further.
Mayor, no lo molestamos más.
Strange, that there have been no further repercussions.
Es extraño que no haya tenido mayores repercusiones.
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