Translation for "achieve the impossible" to spanish
Achieve the impossible
Translation examples
67. Under the circumstances, the Committee might wish to consider whether it was attempting to achieve the impossible.
En esas circunstancias, la Comisión debería plantearse si no está intentando lograr algo imposible.
We're both obsessed with achieving the impossible.
Ambos estamos obsesionados con lograr lo imposible.
To be the first to achieve the impossible.
Ser los primeros en lograr lo imposible.
"We are those who can achieve the impossible"
"Somos los únicos que pueden lograr lo imposible. "
He was an obsessive child always striving to achieve the impossible.
Era un niño obsesivo... Siempre luchando por lograr lo imposible.
I was born for revenge, educated to achieve the impossible.
Yo nací para obtener venganza. Criado para lograr lo imposible.
You got to get your hands dirty, if you're going to achieve the impossible.
Debes ensuciarte las manos si vas a lograr lo imposible.
The only way to achieve the impossible ... is to believe it is possible
El único modo de lograr lo imposible... es convencerse de que es posible.
Trying to achieve the impossible, that's America.
Tratar de lograr lo imposible... eso es América.
    “Hektor is known for achieving the impossible,” she pointed out.
—Héctor es famoso por lograr lo imposible —señaló ella.
He had done all he could and it was not his fault that he could not achieve the impossible.
Había hecho todo lo que podía y no estaba en sus manos lograr lo imposible.
And if he did achieve the impossible, he still could do nothing to get in.
Y aunque lograra lo imposible, seguiría sin poder hacer nada para poder entrar.
Aliid, in his determination, kept trying to achieve the impossible— in so many ways.
Aliid, en su determinación, seguía tratando de lograr lo imposible… en diversos sentidos.
Even now he did not believe that Amy loved him with the old love, and the suspicion was like a cold weight at his heart that to retain even her wifely sympathy, her wedded tenderness, he must achieve the impossible.
Incluso ahora, no creía que Amy lo amara como antes y sospechaba con frío pesar que, para conservar siquiera su simpatía y su ternura de esposa, debería lograr lo imposible.
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